Friday, February 5, 2010

tiny. tiny. tiny.

my mom urged me to take my measurements. to see how i improve. I'll take them again in a month.
heres the results...
waist- 28 inches
hips- 35 inches
thighs- 18 inches
calves- 13 1/2 inches
biceps- 9 inches
shoulders- 11 inches

so we'll see what happens. unfortunately i did not make it to the gym today. tomorrow morning it is!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


wednesday. workout day two. much better than workout day one. and i'm only mildly sore from the first day, mainly in my low back. damn you pilates.
did much better with running, i decided to push through the side cramp of rebellion and ran for 6 minutes. and walked an additional 12, making it a fierce 1.10 mi distance. heck yeah.
i did weights with legs today. you know the whole alternating upper and lower body thing. so i used machines for all of this stuff.
leg press 20x with 60lbs, same for calves.
hip adduction 45 lbs 2 sets of 15.
hip abduction 35 lbs 2 sets of 15.
also did leg curls and extensions with 20 lbs 10x two sets each.
then of course all the wonderful stretching. I am already feeling slightly more limber.
i feel like i did better this time because i had more calories in my system. I'm never quite sure what kinds of things i should be eating before a workout. maybe thats something i need to look up.

Monday, February 1, 2010


The first time back at the gym is quite a humbling experience. I always think that i can jump right back where i was, whether that was 1 month, 6 months or even 5 years ago. But I cannot run 3 miles nor can i lift over 10 pounds anymore. or for that matter even touch my toes. yes. its pretty sad and pathetic. But that is the reason of beginning, to work on this puny pathetic little body. sure it looks nice, but man it cannot do much and that is just no longer acceptable.
My main goals in this endeavor are to gain strength and flexibility. As a future physical therapist (hopefully) i need a body that preforms. One that can demostrate exercises my patients need to do without screaming inside. One that can lift/catch/support patients. and one that doesnt hurt. After years of not taking care of my body it has begun to turn against me. My hip and my back pretty much continually spasm. thats right. i'm an old woman at 23. but i know it will go away once my body is strong enough to hold itself in place. A return to Health!
I chose a gym right down the street. to promote me actually going to it. its not the nicest place, but it'll do the trick. either way monday was my first day. and here are the results. walked for .70 miles, .1 of which were run before my side cramped in rebellion. but ooooh that running stretch felt good. i cant wait till i'm strong and can go for miles. I lifted with my arms. 2 sets bicepts with 8 lbs. 2 sets triceps with 5 lbs and 2 sets deltoids with 5 lbs. i also did a machine chest exercise with 15 lbs, and a back one with 30 both twice for 10 reps. and then i stretched, stretched, and stretched. so good. and then a few ball core exercises and thats was that. not too bad. I tried to keep it light so i didnt feel like death the next day.